Cape Town city councillor and member of the mayoral committee Zahid Badroodien has stepped down following allegations of his electricity meter being tampered with. Picture: African News Agency (ANA)
Cape Town – Mayco Member for Water and Sanitation councillor Zahid Badroodien has stepped down from his position following allegations he tampered with the electricity meter at his property.
The City council is investigating Badroodien and he requested to step down pending the disciplinary processes.
Cape Town mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis said he was informed by the Speaker’s Office that Badroodien was to face a council disciplinary committee to answer charges relating to the alleged tampering of an electricity meter at a property owned by him.
“This is a Council matter being dealt with by the Speaker’s Office. I am therefore not at liberty to comment on the charges against Councillor Badroodien, nor the disciplinary process to be followed.”
He added Badroodien requested he step down from his position as Mayco member for Water and Sanitation pending the finalisation of the disciplinary hearing.
“I have accepted his request. It is important for every member of the Mayoral Committee to be fully focused on their work.”
In the interim, Councillor Siseko Mbandezi, Mayco member for Finance, has agreed to assume responsibility for the Water and Sanitation portfolio on the Mayoral Committee.
Badroodien said he had no knowledge the electricity meter was tampered with. He said in 2016 he was requested by his parents to purchase a property for his younger sibling
“The construction of a new residence was completed in 2019 but remained vacant until November 2021,” he said.
“I then moved into the building on a temporary basis as it was in close proximity to the ward I had just been elected to serve.
“I had no knowledge of such alleged impropriety until that point.
“Having all the facts at hand my parents undertook immediate corrective measures.
“Subsequently, I provided all available information and affidavits at my disposal to the Speaker for her investigative process.”
The City is yet to confirm the amount owed by the councillor.
“Any amounts found to be owing to the City will be repaid as soon as possible. I believe that leaders must be held to the highest possible standards of honesty and conduct, particularly when serving in government,” he said.
Stop CoCT founder Sandra Dickson said Stop CoCT was perplexed a mayco member resigned pending an alleged charge of meter tampering.
“Members of the public usually get a fine without much investigation and are not even criminally charged in most cases.
“It is also questionable that his resignation is accepted so readily by the Speaker.
“There are other serious allegations against councillors such as badmouthing and smearing opposition councillors which are just swept under the carpet by the Speaker.
“Is Badroodien another victim of the current regime at the City of Cape Town’s heavy handed and non-equitable handling of matters?”