Once reviewed, the ITMP25 for Gauteng will enable the GDRT to regulate, plan and develop an efficient and well-integrated transport system. The core objective is to deliver a world-class, sustainable transport system that supports Gauteng’s economic, social, cultural and environmental goals.
The Gauteng MEC for Roads and Transport hereby gives notice that the draft 25-year Integrated Transport Master Plan (ITMP25) for the Gauteng province has been completed and is available for inspection, public review and comment at the regional offices and websites.
The ITMP25 for the Gauteng province was developed by the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport (GDRT) in 2013. It mapped out key transport projects and plans to be rolled out over the following 25 years. In addition to the ITMP25, a five-year Gauteng Transport Implementation Plan (GTIP5) was developed. The GDRT, in collaboration with the Transport Authority for Gauteng (TAG), reviewed and updated the GITP5 and ITMP25.
The ITMP25 for Gauteng is an important strategic document. Once reviewed, it will enable the GDRT to regulate, plan and develop an efficient, and well-integrated, transport system. Such an integrated transport system will aim to serve the public interest by enhancing mobility and delivering safe, secure and environmentally sustainable air, rail and road-based public and private transport services.
The core objective of the ITMP25 is to deliver a world-class, sustainable transport system that supports Gauteng’s economic, social, cultural and environmental goals.
The points of departure for the reviewed ITMP25 serve to:
• Be used as a government intervention to proactively improve the status quo.
• Underpin the Global City Region concept.
• Lead to significant further sustainable, long-term socio-economic development and job creation.
• Be socially inclusive and transform the Gauteng region.
• Be environmentally sound and sustainable.
• Recommend modes of public transport that are preferable and appropriate for a specific corridor.
• Optimise the utilisation and integration of the various modes of transport to minimise traffic congestion, and related pollution, and maximise service delivery to the economy and the people of Gauteng.
• Prioritise public transport and the associated non-motorised transport requirements, and the efficient movement of freight in the province.
• Support key freight, logistics nodes and corridors.
• Include non-motorised transport facilities in the planning to support public transport services specifically and to enhance the quality of the built environment in general.
• Use financial support to transport, subsidisation as levers and catalysts for the development of the desired urban form.
• Address mobility and accessibility needs of all communities in Gauteng.
• Give special attention to the movement of people with special needs.
• Digitalise Gauteng's transport system.
• Establish a unified branding for transport in the province.
• Review some of the design standards.
• Link infrastructure investment priorities as closely as possible to current and planned future patterns of land uses.
• Be guided by the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030 to which South Africa is a signatory.
The draft ITMP25 for Gauteng builds on existing literature resources and reflects inputs received from stakeholders and key role-players during the past 16 months.
The public review period of the draft ITMP25 starts on Thursday, February 20 and ends on Monday, March 24. The public may submit written comments and inputs to the department for consideration, by no later than March 24, 2025. The public is advised that comments received after that date may be disregarded. Written comments may be in any official language.
Invitation to interested and affected parties to attend a virtual meeting
The GDRT and the TAG invite all interested and affected parties to participate in this public review process, by attending a virtual public meeting as follows:
• Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2025
• Time: 9:50am for 10am until 1pm
• Platform: MS Teams
• RSVP: Please register to attend the meeting before/on March 13, 2025, by sending an email to the TAG’s Stakeholder Engagement Office at email: itmp25@taggcr.co.za or toni@pietersenpp.com
All interested and affected parties who register to attend the virtual meeting will receive a link to the meeting. Note that prospective meeting participants do not require MS Teams to access the meeting; however, they will need to join through a browser if they do not have MS Teams.
Locations where hard copies of the draft ITMP25 can be viewed:
The draft ITMP25 is available for inspection at the regional offices of the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport, the Transport Authority for Gauteng and all metropolitan, district and local municipalities in Gauteng (see list).
An executive summary of the draft ITMP25 is available in the following languages at the public places listed (see list) or on request from the ITMP25 Stakeholder Engagement Office (details below): English, isiZulu, Sepedi and Afrikaans.
Electronic copies of the draft ITMP25 and/or its executive summary may be obtained on request from the ITMP25 Stakeholder Engagement Office, by sending an email to the following contact person:
Antoinette Pietersen
Gauteng ITMP25 Project: Stakeholder Engagement Office Co-ordinator
Transport Authority for Gauteng
Postal Address:
PO Box 1266,
Physical Address:
44 Grand Central Boulevard Ext 1,
Gauteng ITMP25 Stakeholder Engagement Office, e-mail: itmp25@taggcr.co.za or toni@pietersenpp.com
Website addresses for accessing electronic copies of the draft ITMP25 and/or executive summary are:
www.gauteng.gov.za(under publications)
Deadline for submission of comments is Monday, March 24, 2025. Only written comments will be accepted.
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