The BRICS Business Forum, taking place at the Sandton Convention Centre is a platform to promote and strengthen business, trade and investment ties amongst the business communities of the five BRICS countries. IMAGE: GCIS
Russia is set to host the fourth BRICS Solutions Awards competition, which is aimed at showcasing the best technological solutions and practices in various fields from the participating countries.
BRICS consists of its founding members - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – as well as Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who were admitted as member states in January.
The prestigious awards are organised by the non-profit organisations the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), the National Technological Initiative Platform and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Svetlana Chupsheva, Director General of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives said participants will present projects in eight nominations.
For the first time, the list of nominations includes creative economy, said it will consider projects dedicated to the development of technologies for the creation of creative content.
The nominations include categories such as new industry and energy, biotechnology and national health, sky, space and communication technologies.
“Artificial intelligence and digital services, climate and environmental technologies, platforms and end-to-end solutions for government and public administration, competences and staff development, cognitive technologies and creative economy,” said Chupsheva.
Chupsheva said Russia became the venue for the competition as the BRICS chair country.
"The objective of the BRICS Solutions Awards is to develop a system of independent and multi-polar co-operation, for which it is important to create, improve and implement new technologies that meet the needs and interests of the BRICS countries," said Chupsheva.
The results of the competition and the award ceremony will be announced at the BRICS Business Forum, which will be held in October 2024 in Moscow, ahead of the BRICS Summit.
The BRICS Solutions Awards was first held in 2020 during Russia's BRICS Chairmanship at the initiative of ASI and with the support of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Since then, the awards has been held every year in a BRICS chairing country, and in 2021 and 2022 India and China hosted the event.
The deadline for submitting the applications will be on July 31.
The assessment of projects commenced on July 1, with the establishment of a qualified international jury on the designated platform.