Hundreds of vultures gather for the daily feeding at the Vulture Culture experience at Victoria Falls Safari Lodge.
Don't miss the unique Vulture Culture experience at Victoria Falls Safari Lodge.
Every day at 1pm, hundreds of vultures gather to feed on leftover meat and bones from on-site restaurants, showcasing the lodge’s role in maintaining ecosystems and protecting these birds for future generations.
These incredible birds act as a protective buffer, safeguarding both livestock and humans from diseases like foot and mouth. Unfortunately, many vultures face threats such as poisoning, leading to the critical endangerment of certain species.
Poachers targeting elephants and rhinos often poison carcasses to deter vultures from drawing attention to the kills. Additionally, electrocution from power lines and use in traditional medicine contribute to the decline of vulture populations.
Conservation efforts include initiatives like providing uncontaminated meat through “vulture restaurants”. Attendance for this eye-opening experience is free and features an informative talk by conservationist Moses Gagira.
Witness an impressive gathering of vulture species, including white-headed vultures, hooded vultures, lappet-faced vultures, and white-backed vultures, providing a unique opportunity to get up close (but not too close) to these often misunderstood birds.
This supplementary feeding programme plays a crucial role in supporting the survival of these magnificent creatures.