Results for the week of March 22-25 are:
The Wednesday, March 22 John Dorys sponsored 18-hole IPS was won by Jason Barnes with 39 pts. Second was Gavin van Zyl on 35 pts with Barend Burger 3rd on a count-out with 34 pts.
The Thursday, March 23 KWV sponsored 9-hole IPS with power play options was won by Michael Kidson with 27 pts with Tenderson Manyetsa 2nd on 23 pts and Lutchman Poonawassy 3rd on 22 pts.
The Friday, March 24 Flamingo sponsored Niner was won by Chris Gordon on 18 pts with Bernie Turton 2nd on 17 pts and Donald Witbooi 3rd on 16 pts. Fourth was Neville Alexander on a count-out with 15 pts.
The Saturday, March 25th 18-hole Windhoek Pairs BBS was won by the team of Phillip Maritz and Danie Liebenberg on a count-out with 46 pts over Stephen le Roux and Henk Visser also on 46 pts. Third were Neville Parker and Shane Arthur on 45 pts.
The Charlies BBS prize was shared by the teams of Dries Mostert/Kat Swanepoel and Willie Delport/Werner Herselman.
The following is planned for the weeks of March 31 to April 15
• Players please note that you must putt out in a competition else your score will not count, and that your score card must be correctly filled in.
Friday, March 31: The Sun Flamingo sponsored 9 hole IPS.
Saturday, April 1: Club competition as well as the weekly Charlies outing.
Sunday, April 2: Social Golf with special rates applying.
Monday, April 3: Course closed as usual but the office is open for business
Tuesday, April 4: Social golf with special rates applying.
Wednesday, April 5: The Konica Minolta sponsored 18-hole BBS competition.
Thursday, April 6: The KWV sponsored Niner.
Friday, April 7: Start of the KGC Easter Challenge. Team of two. 18-hole IPS COMBINED SCORES to count.
Saturday, April 8: Second round of Easter Challenge. 18-hole BBS team.
Sunday, April 9: Final round of Easter Challenge. Team Scramble drive BB.
Monday, April 10: Course is open for social golf.
Tuesday, April 11: Social golf with special rates applying.
Wednesday, April 12: The Darsha sponsored 18-hole IPS.
Thursday, April 13: The KWV sponsored Niner.
Friday, April 14: The Kriek Wildlife sponsored Golf Day.
Saturday, April 15: The Masters.
Sunday, April 16: Social Golf with special rates applying.
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