Simon Westraadt
Simon Westraadt
35 years old, born in Port Elizabeth
plays as hooker
Previous team: Pumas
What sports do you enjoy apart from rugby: Golf and Cricket
The one person that inspired you: Both my parents
Your biggest rugby hero: Keith Wood
Your biggest sporting hero outside of rugby: Tom Brady
Favourite book: Johnny Wilkinson autobiography
Favourite movie: Gone Girl
What type of music do you enjoy: Rock
If you could pick your top three favourite songs, what would they be: Enter Sandman (Metallica), Live this Life (Prime Circle), Out of my way (Seether)
Droëwors? Biltong? Chillibites?: Biltong
Water – still or sparkling: Sparkling
Do you have a pet: Two English bulldogs, Winston and Maggie. Best pets to have around kids and they are super lazy which suits me perfectly.
Favourite drill in the gym or at practice: Bench press and core
Least favourite exercise: Bronco test
One day, after rugby ... what are your plans: Starting up my own restaurant
Is there a quote you think can motivate today's youth: My favourite quote has always been, “if winning wasn’t important, then why do we keep score”
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