The police in London seized cocaine worth millions of rand that was concealed in oranges. The police said they were shipped from South Africa. Picture: South West Regional Organised Crime Unit
MILLIONS of rand worth of cocaine that was concealed in oranges and shipped to the United Kingdom from South Africa have been found.
According to statement by the South West Regional Organised Crime Unit (SWROCU) in London, 49 kilograms of cocaine was seized from a container of oranges imported from South Africa to the Port of Felixstowe.
The street value of the cocaine is about R75 million according to Business Insider.
According to the police, one man from Southall, Ealing, has been charged with conspiring to import class A drugs and is remanded in custody.
Three other men from West London, aged 31, 51 and 60, have been released while the investigation continues.
Detective Chief Inspector Paul Fisher from the SWROCU said: “Our investigation has prevented a huge amount of high purity class A drugs from ending up on our streets, reducing both the threat to communities and the profits of the organised criminals importing and supplying them.
“The national ROCU network continues to work tirelessly with police forces and law enforcement partners to protect the security and integrity of the UK border.”
Last month, a 64-year-old Springs man was arrested after the SAPS found drugs concealed in oranges that he had been transporting.
The Hawks intercepted the bakkie laden with oranges along the R555 towards Delmas.
Police spokesperson Captain Lloyd Ramovha said this was an intelligence-driven operation in concert with the K9 unit.
Ramovha said the search found 5kg of crystal meth valued at approximately R1.2 million.
The man appeared in the Springs Magistrate’s Court charged with dealing and possession of narcotics.