Zizi Kodwa. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA)
WHEN Zizi Kodwa was ANC spokesperson he received more than R2 million in payments and luxury accommodation linked to technology services company EOH, the Zondo Commission heard.
The inquiry was hearing evidence from the managing director of ENS Forensics, Steven Powell. Powell had conducted a forensic investigation into EOH and, in the process, found payments made to the ANC and individuals linked to the party.
The payments were made while EOH was bidding for various government tenders.
On Tuesday, Powell returned to the stand and focused his testimony on payments made to Kodwa through a former executive at EOH, Jehan Mackay.
Previously, Powell had told the inquiry that Kodwa had received R400,000 from Mackay through an intermediary company.
However, the commission has been able to receive other bank details and statements linked to Kodwa which showed he had benefited in payments and luxury accommodation amounting to more than R2 million.
Powell said investigations had also found that payments totalling R15 million were made to the ANC.
He said the bulk of the information showed extensive e-mail communication between Mackay and Kodwa.
Most of the payments were made through a company called Technical Software Systems Pty, which has links to Mackay, but not EOH. They were channelled through a person called "Reno Barry".
Powell said it seemed that between the periods of 2015 and 2016, when the payments were made to Kodwa, three government contracts were issued.
One contract was issued by the department of home affairs for a platinum access solution – a five-year contract.
Another was for an Eastern Cape provincial government education tender for records restoration.
The third was for a Sassa tender for the provision of support and maintenance services.
Some of the payments, which were mostly linked to the ANC in the Eastern Cape, were for payments for venue hires and accommodation of R18,000 for seven rooms, SAA flights costing R8,000 to East London and R23,000 to Cape Town.
Another e-mail was sent to Ingrid Ndlovu, from the Department of Social Development, for payment for hotel accommodation for the ANC Women's League from August 5 to August 9, 2015.
Powell said that for Kodwa, spreadsheets showed that a fake loan agreement was sent to him on behalf of TSS shortly before a R1 million payment was made into his bank account in April 2015. No evidence has been produced that shows Kodwa had paid back the loan.
On May 6, Kodwa purchased a Jeep and paid R890,000. Mackay then deposited a further R80,000 and R45,000 into Kodwa's bank account.
Mackay had made a plea to Kodwa in July 2015, seeking his intervention in the R390 million Home Affairs tender because EOH was to be disqualified. Mackay said "games were being played".
Kodwa serves as the Deputy Minister of State Security.
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