Home South African Joshlin Smith’s mother, three others expected to appear in Western Cape High...

Joshlin Smith’s mother, three others expected to appear in Western Cape High Court


Joshlin Smith’s mother Kelly and her three co-accused are expected to appear in the Western Cape High Court on Monday in connection with the six-year-old’s disappearance.

Joshlin Smith has been missing since February 19. Picture: Supplied

JOSHLIN Smith’s mother Kelly and her three co-accused are expected to appear in the Western Cape High Court on Monday in connection with the six-year-old’s disappearance.

The Grade 1 learner from Diazville Primary School in Saldanha Bay has been missing since February 19.

She has been missing for 210 days.

Kelly Smith, her boyfriend Jacquen ‘Boeta’ Appolis, Stevano van Rhyn and Lourentia Lombaard are currently detained for her disappearance.

The group faces charges of kidnapping and trafficking in persons for exploitation.

The matter was initially heard in the Vredenburg Magistrate’s Court before it was transferred to the Western Cape High Court on July 15.

“The State is requesting a further postponement for investigation,” the State submitted at the time.

“The investigation remains ongoing as forensic evidence is obtained and the same is being referred for analysis. We are awaiting the outcome of forensic reports and further administrative matters.”

The State said it received forensic reports and cellphone downloads. It was in the process of analysing the data.

There has been no new information on the whereabouts of the green-eyed girl, however, residents of Saldanha Bay remain hopeful she will be found.

Last month, an American psychic, Kandis Starr, claims to have made contact with Joshlin.

Starr had a playhouse on her video with a teddy bear, a picture of Elmo from Sesame Street, and a photoshopped picture of Joshlin where she claims to be channelling the missing girl in the video that is over nine minutes long posted on TikTok.

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