Carl Niehaus and a small group of his supporters protest outside Nasrec where the ANC will hold its 55th elective conference. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)
CARL Niehaus has declared his intention to appeal his expulsion by the ANC.
This comes after the former Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) spokesperson was expelled for bringing the party into disrepute.
On Monday, Niehaus was found guilty by the ANC national disciplinary committee on six counts of misconduct for contravening Rule 25 of the ANC constitution.
In a media statement posted on YouTube, Niehaus confirmed having been suspended, saying his suspension was farcical and an attempt at purging those seen to be against President Cyril Ramaphosa. He said he learned of his suspension through fellow comrade Supra Mahumapelo, who called him and told him that his suspension had been announced on social media.
"I received a call from comrade Supra Mahumapelo saying that there is a statement doing the rounds saying I have been expelled from the ANC. I have not received that letter personally. This letter was simply sent out into the public domain by that kangaroo court that calls itself the ANC national disciplinary committee," he said.
Niehaus said that it was unacceptable for the committee to have done what it did without following proper procedure.
"It is highly unacceptable that a person who is directly affected as I am by such a ridiculous decision by the national disciplinary committee must hear about this on social media, and there is not even the most basic decency to first ensure that I am informed about this vindictive decision of the committee," he said.
He said this “persecution” stems from his support for Jacob Zuma and speaking out against the leaders of the ANC and the judiciary.
The former ANC spokesperson said he had been denied some of his right to a free and fair disciplinary process.
"Under the circumstances, I will have no other option but to immediately appeal this ridiculous and vindictive sentence ... This is not the ANC I know; I joined at the age of 19 in Botswana," he added.
ANC spokesperson Pule Mabe told SABC News that Niehaus has a right to appeal his expulsion by the party’s NDC.