sex, hypersexual, porn sex drive Being hypersexual can be a bit uncomfortable for people, image: Pexels
A hypersexual person is easy to recognise with these tools based on studies and tests of sex addiction.
Being hypersexual can be a bit uncomfortable for people, not only for the person experiencing it, but also for the people around them. And when compulsive sexual desire occurs, like any addiction, it can make daily tasks difficult and cause social, emotional, professional and other problems. But what is hypersexuality and how can you identify it in people?
First of all, we must begin by recognising that sexual desire can be more or less intense in people naturally, that is, there will always be people who are more sexual than others.
This depends on hormonal, genetic, lifestyle, psychological, pornography consumption factors and much more. However, beyond the usual differences in desire that exist between people, there are those who rather fall into hypersexuality, also known as sex addiction.
Being hypersexual has implications such as feeling the constant need to have sex, to the point of preferring to give priority to this over other activities such as spending time with family, friends or even fulfilling obligations such as going to work.
It can also imply a certain difficulty in controlling sexual impulse, something that is naturally problematic, since it could fail to respect the importance of consent in a relationship. It can even lead to problems in maintaining healthy relationships with people.
Therefore, determining whether a person is hypersexual can be based on identifying whether their relationship with sex has been problematic throughout their life, whether on a professional, emotional or social level, but there are also other ways in which a sex addiction can be identified in someone, such as:
Imagine that it's your first date with a person, and they keep talking about sex throughout the entire dinner... doesn't sound so great, does it? Unless the encounter is purely sexual in nature (and even then, it's not usual for all the conversation to revolve around sex ), chances are that on a date, you'll also have other kinds of conversations and even other kinds of dynamics before going straight to bed. If you're dating a person who doesn't talk about anything else, it could be a sign of hypersexuality.
In cases of sex addiction, many people engage in this behaviour as a way to avoid their responsibilities, such as work, but also to avoid illnesses such as depression, anxiety, stress, and more. Note whether the person you are with uses sex as an escape mechanism to get an idea of their relationship with the subject.
Sex addiction is not only noticeable in the number of times someone has sexual encounters, but also in the time, energy and money they spend on consuming pornography, for example, on the Internet or through other means. Similarly, some tests to measure hypersexuality take into account actions such as going to sexual encounter spaces regularly or also hiring people to have sex with frequently.
Although this is a rather delicate subject, when a person falls into illegal practices, such as sex with minors, it is also called an addiction, since they have not set a limit to their impulses. Something similar happens when people can hurt others in order to obtain their own pleasure.
Hypersexual people do not feel satisfied even after a sexual encounter and will probably soon seek another one. They may not even have an orgasm, but simply have compulsive desire .
Fortunately, there are now medical and psychological alternatives for people who suffer from hypersexuality . If you know someone who might be going through this, recommend that they seek help from a specialist.
[via GQ Mexico]
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