Gifting an adult toy is more than just a fun surprise - it’s an opportunity to open up conversations about sexual health and break down the stigma surrounding it. Picture: Pixabay
By Sharon Gordon
I’M assuming of course that you are enlightened and own at least one if not several adult toys. If not, show this article to your bestie and hope for the next birthday present to be a sex toy. Gifting an adult toy is far more powerful than you think.
It’s so much better than bath salts or socks! By gifting a toy, you are helping break down the stigma and taboos associated with toys. We are so ashamed by wanting to own and use them even in the 21st century. By gifting a toy you can have an open and honest conversation about sexual health.
With a bit of luck, the purchaser has been reading my blog and has some education around the subject. Alternatively introduce them to the Lola Montez Brand and let them ask away.
Adult toys are great value for money. It’s not like giving that gift that someone will use once or even regift. A toy is something you keep. Orgasms never get old. You don’t have to purchase a top of the range toy which will set you back. Even the cheaper mid-range toys are of such good quality today that they last for years.
I often recommend that you start small (and cheap) until you know what you like and then go for quality. You’ll never look back.
Don’t be afraid to gift a toy to your friends if they are in a relationship or if they’re not. It’s not saying that you think their sex lives are in the gutter. It’s simply saying, I know what can rock your world, with or without your partner.
Toys in a relationship increases intimacy and spices things up. They are the ultimate wingman. Fabulous for foreplay, but how would you know if you don’t share your experiences. Gifting a toy will allow you to do that.
Adult toys are not the enemy.
Having sex and orgasms is extremely good for you. You can give the gift under the guise of being concerned for your bestie’s health.
We know that 200 orgasms a year will make you look four years younger. Oprah said it so it must be true. It also reduces anxiety, helps with depression and burns calories.
Gifting a toy is the one gift your friend will always remember. Can you remember what you got from anyone last year? Unless it was something special that you’ve always wanted, I bet you can’t.
The next time someone asks you what you want for your birthday, Mother’s Day or
Christmas I dare you to say a sex toy. You may even want to do some research on which one you’d like.
And then watch their reaction. Hopefully you have a tribe that is so excited by the idea that they buy themselves one as well.
If you want to be guided about what to buy, read or blog on, there is loads of information or if you couldn’t be bothered just give us a call and we can give you a personal suggestion. Happy gifting.
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