‘Relationships often fail because of what remains unsaid. Whether it’s out of fear or not wanting to hurt feelings, it’s unhealthy,’ writes Sharon Gordon.
By Sharon Gordon
I was once asked how come I had so many husbands and thought that I could hand out advice on sex, intimacy and relationships. I would have thought that the answer was obvious. Because I’ve had so many relationships, I have a fairly good idea of what works and what doesn’t.
I need to add that all my long-term relationships continue in one form or another even after all these years. We have remained friends, and I have no regrets. Well maybe one or two, especially the first husband who went on to become mega wealthy. Sigh.
Back to that advice I like to hand out. Relationships often fail because of what remains unsaid. Whether it’s out of fear or not wanting to hurt feelings, it’s unhealthy.
Here is a list of what I consider the killers in any relationship.
I recognize my failed relationships and know now where we went wrong. It’s hard not to fall back into the old patterns.
All relationships go through tough times. I’m yet to meet a couple who spent 60 years blissfully happy.
I can’t remember who said it but when they were asked what the secret to their long marriage was, the answer was ‘Neither of us wanted to get divorced at the same time.
Which brings me to the list of relationship savers.
Successful couples are not joined at the hip. They do:
I do believe that relationships have a time span and then they change into something else. If that something else is a continued friendship but not a marriage, then I believe you’re winning.
There are always deal breakers. These are mine:
At some stage you have to know bad behaviour is not going to change. Maya Angelo famously said, ‘when someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them!’ This saying echoes through the passage at my home.
I have drummed it into my children. We all get triggered, and you need to find ways to deal with it. If you want the relationship to work, then behaviour has to change.
These are the top tips for doing the work:
Remember that we all deserve a safe, secure and loving relationship. If you don’t at least have this then you have nothing.
You cannot save anyone from their problems. You can only work on yourself. No one can save you from your demons and problems and it’s unfair and damaging to expect anything else.
Your boundaries are sacred. They can be negotiated but once they are set, stick to it. Do not manipulate or be manipulated into breaching them.
Try not to take things so seriously, there must be time for silliness and play. Laughter cures a myriad of difficulties.
Lastly, remember that no relationship is perfect. There will always be good and bad times. Try not to want to get divorced at the same time. And if you do then it’s okay to call it quits before you destroy each other.
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Saturday Star
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