Police officers at Mhala in Mpumalanga chased and arrested a 31-year-old man who allegedly torched a marked SAPS bakkie.
Image: Screengrab
Police at Mhala in Mpumalanga have arrested a 31-year-old man who allegedly torched a marked police bakkie in Thulamahashe.
The torching incident happened on Saturday afternoon, according to Mpumalanga provincial police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Jabu Ndubane.
“A report indicates that the police marked Toyota double cab bakkie was set alight in broad daylight. According to information, the police driver and his crew were coming from a routine patrol at Thulamahashe shopping complex to Mhala police station,” said Ndubane.
“On their arrival, they parked the motor vehicle outside the station gate, closed the windows, locked the doors, and entered the station.”
While in the police station, the police officers suddenly heard a noise, indicating the police bakkie being on fire.
Police officers at Mhala in Mpumalanga chased and arrested arrested a 31-year-old man who allegedly torched a marked SAPS bakkie.
Image: SAPS
“As they (police officers) came out, the said man was running from the torched motor vehicle. The members then gave chase and caught him, a few meters from the scene,” said Ndubane.
“It was during this time when the suspect was arrested and charged with malicious damage to state property.”
Preliminary investigations by the police have since revealed that the arrested man “is a repeat offender as he committed a similar offence at the same Mhala SAPS station” in December 2023.
Police officers at Mhala in Mpumalanga chased and arrested arrested a 31-year-old man who allegedly torched a marked SAPS bakkie.
Image: SAPS
Meanwhile, acting provincial commissioner of police in Mpumalanga, Major General Zeph Mkhwanazi has “strongly” condemned the incident, and expressed his disappointment.
He appealed to community members to safeguard the essential resources of the State, that are meant to assist the communities.
“This is very disturbing, and not so long people will be complaining that they do not get adequate service or there are no resources to serve them because of irresponsible actions like these.
“Let us have a sense of ownership to these resources that the State has allocated for us,” said Mkhwanazi.
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