KZN Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane. Picture: Supplied
Durban – KwaZulu-Natal Health MEC, Nomagugu Simelane, is urging hospital managers to think outside the box.
Speaking at the appointment of seven new CEOs for hospitals in the province, Simelane called on all hospital CEOs, old and new, and on all senior management across the Department, to put the patient at the centre of what they do, at all times.
"Don’t allow yourself to be bullied and get tough with errant staffers including those who take tea breaks en masse, leaving patients stranded," she said.
Simelane said her office often receives complaints about staff going on tea breaks in groups.
“As managers it’s an indictment on yourselves that you have patients who wait on the units, just because those who are operating those units have decided to go on lunch, or on tea break at the same time.
“How does it happen? Four people closing a pharmacy so they can go and have tea? Where is management? Management is about managing your human resources? When some go on a tea break, others must be there to serve the people. It’s just one of the small things that we can do that do not require money,” the MEC said.
She called on them to “have an attitude of a CEO that runs a private hospital, even in our own public hospitals.”
Simelane said she expects facility managers, CEOs, district directors and head office staff to be reachable.
“We expect your numbers to be available, in all points. Not near the boardroom, so that when I ask where are your numbers, they are available.
“Your contact details must be prominently displayed everywhere in the facility, so that you’re accessible. That poster must have contact details of yourself as the CEO, your PRO and the District Director’s details, so that when our patients are not happy with yourselves, they know who to elevate it to.
“I get called at 1am, 2am in the morning, which is fine. But why must I be the only one who doesn’t sleep, when it’s your responsibility to manage your facility? I can’t become a co-manager to your facility. So, we want those numbers to be put there, at every facility. And not just at one point, but in all the points that our patients’ access.
“Can we make sure you give us the number that you use, not the one that gets switched off, because that will amount to insubordination. This is now a policy of the Department,” Simelane said.
Newly appointed CEOs are:
Dr Londa Buthelezi – Pholela Community Health Centre
Florina Mokwena – Fort Napier Hospital
Babhekile Msomi – Catherine Booth Hospital
Nhlanhla Mthembu – Nkandla Hospital
Nelisiwe Ngubo – St Appolinaris Hospital
Sithembiso Nkosi – Nkonjeni Hospital
Mabel Zulu – Benedictine Hospital