SAPS Water Wing and Joburg EMS Aquatic Services recover a woman's body on the Klip River. Picture: JoburgEMS/supplied
Johannesburg rescue teams have recovered a woman's body after it was found floating in the Klip River.
Although it remains unconfirmed as the body has yet to be identified, it is believed the body is that of a missing woman who is feared to have drowned on Saturday night, along with a man during a cleansing ritual in the river.
Joburg Emergency Management Services spokesperson Xolile Khumalo said the body was recovered just before 12pm by teams from the Joburg EMS Aquatic Services and the SA Police Services Water Wing and K9 units.
“The body has not been identified. We are not certain whether it is one of the two young persons that allegedly drowned in Klip River,” said Khumalo.
She said the body was recovered along the Klip River near the N1 North bridge.
She said the search for a missing body of a man was continuing.
Emergency rescue services have been searching for two people,- aged 18 and 21, since Sunday after they went missing on Saturday night.
They are feared to have drowned on Saturday night while conducting a cleansing ritual.
Khumalo said they were still urging members of the community to be extra cautious when conducting rituals.
She said safety should be paramount and the checking of the water levels was key.
Khumalo said going into the river after it has rained was dangerous, as the river flowed heavily.
Earlier, traditional healers, prophets and pastors were also urged to ensure the safety of congregants while conducting rituals.
The search continues.
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