Premier Zamani Saul hands over a bakkie to 88-year-old Ouma Katrina Esau. Picture: Supplied
A BAKKIE was handed over to 88-year-old Ouma Katrina Esau, the last remaining fluent speaker of the N/uu language, at the Rosedale Library in Upington on Tuesday, to assist her in preserving the indigenous language.
Spokesperson for the Office of the Premier, Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams, said Esau was considered a living human treasure.
“As the recipient of the Order of Baobab and only remaining fluent speaker of the N/uu language following the passing of her brother Simon Sauls in June last year, a vehicle was handed to the school that is run by Ouma Katrina and her granddaughter, Claudia du Plessis, in Rosedale,” said Thomas-Abrahams.
“The school teaches young people the ancient N/uu language to ensure that it does not become extinct.”
The vehicle was handed over by Northern Cape Premier Dr Zamani Saul, along with the MEC for Sport, Arts and Culture, Desery Fienies, and the MEC for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism, Abraham Vosloo.
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