Minister Gwede Mantashe. Picture: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency (ANA)
Cape Town - Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe has hit back at Andre de Ruyter asking him to name and shame ministers allegedly implicated in corruption at Eskom.
Mantashe said the former Eskom CEO’s tactic of dropping allegations wouldn’t work because he had not named anyone. De Ruyter made damning allegations about Eskom being a feeding trough for the ruling ANC, in an interview with eNCA.
The minister challenged de Ruyter to name the ministers involved in alleged corruption at the power utility.
Mantashe and his senior officials in the department were briefing parliamentarians on renewable energy programmes in the country.
“On the issues raised by the outgoing CEO of Eskom all we need from our side is that he must not throw a stone in the bush. He must say Minister X has said this, Minister Y has asked for a cut and Minister Z has done this. That is all we want because this thing of throwing a stone in the bush and hope that an animal will come out running is actually unscientific,” said Mantashe.
Chairperson of the portfolio committee on minerals and energy Zet Luzipho said he would consult with his counterpart in the public enterprises committee Khaya Magaxa about calling de Ruyter to appear before parliament on the allegations made.
“Mr Luzipo undertook to consult with the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises about a letter received from committee member Mr Vuyolwethu Zungula in order to establish a way forward. The letter requests the Speaker of the National Assembly to allow the two committees to summon former Eskom Chief Executive Officer, Mr André de Ruyter, to answer questions about the corruption allegations he made in the media involving Eskom,” said the committee.
Eskom Chief Financial Officer Calib Cassim has been appointed as acting Eskom CEO.
The SACP which has called on Eskom to fast-track the process of appointing a new CEO, also lashed out at de Ruyter, accusing him of failing at Eskom.
It said when he was appointed in the position the energy availability factor at Eskom was 72% and it had now dropped to 58%.
The electricity crisis has also worsened with more load shedding hitting the country, said the SACP.
The party added that as the CEO de Ruyter he should have reported his corruption allegations, to law enforcement agencies.
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