Ann Crotty.
Sekunjalo Investment Holdings (SIH) must once again, set the record straight concerning the irresponsible and factually incorrect article published by Ann Crotty in BusinessLive on Monday September 18.
For the record, the SIH Group consists of more than 200 companies, one of which is Ayo Technology Solutions (AYO).
It should be borne in mind that although SIH is a shareholder, it has no representation on the board nor is it involved in the management or daily operations of the company.
Further, that SIH’s shareholding in African Equity Empowerment Investments (AEEI) and Independent Media have zero to do with the running of each of these organisations, who have dedicated teams of professionals at their helm.
Journalists have a responsibility to report facts to their audiences.
Publishers likewise, are responsible for ensuring that the content conveyed on their platforms also meet at least a modicum of journalistic integrity.
The writer’s attempts to draw SIH into a debate and narrative that has nothing to do with it, do not meet the standards of good reporting, and Ms Crotty’s “opinion” is highly questionable considering she is unable to distinguish fact from the media’s fiction.
Lastly, in her latest effort to undermine the Sekunjalo Group, Crotty comments on the battle with the banks, have once again overlooked the more significant issue: the potential threat to democratic principles posed by arbitrary actions taken by influential organisations.
Her apparent endorsement of unilateral bank account closures, particularly when no wrongdoing by any of the parties concerned is involved, contributes to the unbridled dominance of corporations, thereby endangering the core liberties and entitlements that underpin a democratic society.
Ms Crotty’s agent provocateur-like musings should be seen as the meanderings of a mind bent on destroying value in one of South Africa’s first successful black-owned business ventures, and should be treated with the disdain they deserve.
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