Home News Neighbour sentenced for statutory rape, child pornography

Neighbour sentenced for statutory rape, child pornography


The SAPS management in the Northern Cape has welcomed the 24-year prison sentence that was recently handed down by the Port Nolloth Magistrate’s Court to a 47-year-old man for statutory rape, exposing a child to pornography, using a child for pornography and grooming of a child.

THE SOUTH African Police Service (SAPS) management in the Northern Cape has welcomed the 24-year prison sentence that was recently handed down by the Port Nolloth Magistrate’s Court to a 47-year-old man for statutory rape, exposing a child to pornography, using a child for pornography and grooming of a child.

Provincial police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Sergio Kock explained that the case came to light on October 27, 2022, when the victim’s father discovered a video on his 13-year-old daughter’s cellphone. The video showed the girl engaging in sexual activity with the 47-year-old neighbour. The father promptly reported the incident to the police.

The perpetrator was swiftly arrested in Port Nolloth and subsequently sentenced on July 12, 2024. The court handed down the following sentences:

Count 1: The accused received a six-year prison term for statutory rape.

Count 2: An additional six-year sentence was imposed for exposing a child to pornography.

Count 3: The accused was sentenced to six years for grooming a child.

Count 4: Another six-year term was handed down for using a child for pornography.

Counts 2 to 4 will run concurrently, resulting in an effective 12-year prison sentence for the mentioned crimes.

Additionally, the perpetrator’s name will be entered into the National Register for Sex Offenders, and he is declared unfit to possess a firearm.

The provincial commissioner of the SAPS in the Northern Cape, Lieutenant-General Koliswa Otola, commended the investigating officer in the matter, Detective Sergeant Shaun Brandt of the Port Nolloth SAPS Family Violence, Child Protection, and Sexual Offences unit.

Otola said that Brandt’s “meticulous investigation” played a crucial role in the incarceration of the perpetrator of this heinous crime.

Kock meanwhile reminded the public that: “If you see something, say something – don’t look away!”

The investigating officer, Detective Sergeant Shaun Brandt of the Port Nolloth FCS unit. Picture: SAPS

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