Amangwe High School located in uMhlathuze is a South African success story - a 100% Matric pass rate, and importantly 93% of those that attained Bachelor passes while 7% claimed Higher Certificates– 0% received Higher Certificates
Image: Jason Boud
Amangwe High School located in uMhlathuze is a South African success story - a 100% Matric pass rate, and importantly 93% of those that attained Bachelor passes while 7% claimed Higher Certificates– 0% received Higher Certificates.
A remarkable accomplishment when you consider that the City’s unemployment rate sits at just over 40%.
Notably most of these learners excelled in Maths and Science.
What made this possible?
The insurmountable sacrifices made by staff, learners and parents that cannot be overstated but another strategy deployed by the city, Government and Private Sector saw it leveraging Innovation and Technology to bolster its learners’ performance has proven to be a formula for success.
Identifying the dire need to address uMhlathuze’s socio-economic challenges– the city launched the Youth Economic Empowerment Programme (YEEP) – which had a strong focus on Innovation and Technology as a catalyst of change.
“Under the auspices of YEEP, The City's Science, Technology, Engineering, English and Mathematics (STEEM) programme was established in alignment to the Sustainable Development Goal - Quality Education and National Development Plan target – Improving Education, Training and Innovation.
“The city adopted the STEEM programme to assist the Department of Education to improve the development of learners and teachers in the areas of Science, Technology Engineering, English and Maths in order to improve Matric results, invest, develop and build a repository of future skills through partnerships,” said Chief Operating Officer of the City of uMhlathuze, Thembeka Khumalo-Sikhakhane.
The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) played an integral role in supporting the initiative in the context of the District Development Model – which endeavoured to support municipalities through innovation. "The City’s focus on STEEM started in 2022, through the vision of the Mayor, Cllr Xolani Ngwezi, who felt that donating school uniforms alone does not leave a lasting “developmental impact on the learners, particularly those coming from rural schools.
As a former Educator, teaching Physical Science and Mathematics, later as a Member of Basic Education Portfolio Committee in the National Assembly, the Mayor felt that the city can do more in coordinating all stakeholders towards the development of learners especially those coming from rural schools.
“Engagements started with various stakeholders including the Department of Basic Education at the District level and Department of Science, Technology and Innovation,” Khumalo- Sikhakhane added.
Dedication meant different things for matriculants around the country.
For some a stable and comfortable home environment was the norm, but for others it was studying on an empty stomach – South Africa being one of the most unequal countries in the world.
The Department of Science, Technology and Innovation confirmed funding the through Viability and Validation of Innovations for Service Delivery Programme (VVISDP).
“The programme is designed to enhance learning and build the capacity of Municipalities to manage and adopt technology and innovation to improve the delivery of basic services,” said Chief Director: Innovation for Inclusive Development, Dr Tshepang Mosiea.
During the STEEM launch in Amangwe High school it was discovered that the school has developed a culture to work on the state of mind of the learners at the beginning of the year by giving them practical examples of the future significance for Maths and Science in different career paths.
Additionally, the learners are given targets that they work towards aligned to their academic ability.
Code of conduct for the learners is strictly adhered to ensure that discipline is upheld. Parental involvement is key in this initiative. Each subject has developed its unique vision aligned to the school's vision which becomes the educator’s commitment for reporting in Quality Management System (QMS).
Furthermore, extra classes are done from grade 8 to 12 (Morning classes, afternoon classes, peer tutoring, over weekend camps and team teaching. Team teaching is done by choosing lead educators after the analysis of grade 12 results of the results.
The City of uMhlathuze adopted STEEM in order to address and achieve the following objectives: