
Cyclists raise awareness, funds for cystic fibrosis

Danie van der Lith|Published

The eight cyclist taking part in the Skema 2 Sea are seen with Shiloh and his family. Picture: Supplied

TO RAISE awareness of cystic fibrosis and money for the Skema 2 Sea project's star, local 15-year-old Shiloh Grewar, a group of eight cyclists from Hartswater have decided to bike from Hartswater in the Northern Cape all the way to Cape Agulhas in the Western Cape. Over a nine-day period, they will cover a distance of 1,240 kilometres.

Picture: Supplied

So what is cystic fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary disease that causes serious injury to the lungs, digestive system and other body organs. It affects and harms the cells that create mucus, sweat and digestive secretions. The body then secretes a very thick, sticky mucus. The mucus significantly impacts the pancreas, lungs and other organs. CF currently has no known treatment.

William White, who founded Skema 2 Sea in 2019, spoke to the DFA about the project.

White explained that after visiting the Hartz 186 Round Table to enquire about their capacity to help, he joined forces with them. Skema 2 Sea has grown steadily since then, as evidenced by the support they received this year from businesses and communities.

Members from the Hartz 186 Round Table are seen with the Skema 2 Sea cyclists. Picture: Supplied

"We set off from Hartswater to Douglas on January 5 (230 kilometres). We average 120 to 240 kilometres per day of cycling and we are pleased to report that we have not yet experienced any mishaps or injuries. Although the route is hot and difficult, when motorists notice our bunch of cyclists they are genuinely kind.”

White said that OFM radio had aided them in spreading the word about their cycling trip and that one could tell that passing vehicles were aware of them from the “toots” that they received as the motorists passed them.

Skema 2 Sea has grown so much, according to White, that they are planning to make the name a brand and use it for future charity tours.

"We are wrapping up our trip at Cape Agulhas and have raised R260,000 so far, but the amount will rise after the Hartz 186 Round Table adds the funds they have collected from their awareness travels. Since the purpose of this tour is to raise awareness for Shiloh, all donations will be used to pay for Shiloh's medical expenses.”

Shiloh was recently admitted to hospital for extensive tests, with the hope of finding a way to make his condition less severe.

Shiloh Grewar undergoing tests in hospital. Picture: Supplied

The eight cyclists that have put up their hands to raise awareness and funds are Hugh White (18), Cobus Kok (23), NJ van der Walt (24), Ruan Pietersen (34), William White (44), David van Rensburg (50), Tinus Wagenaar (52), and Heinie Naudé (34).

Anyone who wants to help the Skema 2 Sea cystic fibrosis charity can do so by making a direct deposit into the Hartz Round Table account.


Account Holder: Hartz 186 Round Table

Account Type: Business Cash Man

Account number: 52422335474

Branch: 250655

15-year-old Shiloh Grewar from Hartswater. Picture: Facebook
Cyclists raise awareness, funds for cystic fibrosis