Matthew Lani was recently interviewed by Metro FM’s Faith Mangope Picture: Timothy Bernard / Independent Newspapers
While Metro FM’s interview with bogus social media doctor, Matthew Lani has been trending on X, Mzansi seems to be divided on whether the interview was newsworthy or not.
During the Monday night interview, Lani confirmed that he saw patients and administered patients for “various ailments” including stabbings, bronchitis, HIV and Tuberculosis (TB).
He said he worked at the Helen Joseph Hospital for two years, and saw “a lot” of patients. He further said he diagnosed patients.
Despite the mounting evidence against Lani, throughout the interview with Metro FM Talk host, Faith Mangope, he maintained that he studied where he studied and obtained his medical degree.
Dr Foster Mohale of the Department of Health and the Health Professions Council of South Africa’s Dr Sizeka Maweya were also guests on the podcast.
Lani made headlines in October after carving a niche for himself dispensing medical advice and medical content to his over 280,000 followers.
He claimed to have obtained his medical degree from the University of Witwatersrand and attended Cambridge International College, however, both institutions have denied having him as a student.
The Health Professions Council of SA said the name Matthew Zingelwa-Lani does not appear on the country's register of health practitioners.
The Department of Basic Education later stated that there was no record of a National Senior Certificate or matric certificate for him.
Meanwhile, the Gauteng Department of Health confirmed that it laid a charge against him, while second year medical intern, Dr Sanele Sobani Vambai Zingelwa, opened a case of identity theft at the Thembisa police station.
Lani was arrested after entering the Helen Joseph Hospital.
Mabunda said the videos Lani made were for TikTok content and confirmed that his client is not a real doctor.
In the interview with Metro FM Talk, Lani claimed to have demanded retractions with the various institutions who refuted his claims.
Listen to the full interview here:
X (formerly Twitter) is divided on the interview.
My sister @FaithMangope, you are very patient hey @METROFMSA #METROFMTalk
— Khebi💜Sibanyoni (@kAySibanyoni) November 27, 2023
The fact that @FaithMangope tried to justify this travesty to @Cmfundisi , without understanding the principle and the context,makes this "debacle" quite sad,indeed. Whilst we at it, why don't she also interview #Skomota . That will make for good radio, yeah? #METROFMTalk
— Simphiwe Mathibela™ (@SiM_Mathibela) November 28, 2023
There was a time when, as a journalist, we were taught that especially radio set the moral and social parameters within which society operates. Accentuates the best of society, celebrate who we are and how we should be. #METROFMTalk is taking us down the gutter. #faithmangope
— Lionel Adendorf (@LionelAdendorf) November 28, 2023
This country and giving a platform to rubbish 🤝🏽 iy'thupha egwayini@METROFMSA #METROFMTalk very distasteful when there's sooo much to talk about and shine the light on
— Just a Guy (@yesbongani) November 28, 2023
Thank you Faith, this gave a lot of clarity. I wanted to hear him myself, not told by someone? Everyone according to him is wrong? The guy really needs help? Your show gave lots of clarity on lots of things 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
— Lungisani Stampu (@LungisaniStamp1) November 27, 2023
Faith is asking the relevant questions. This pseudoDr is really feeling it today. All the stake holders are on the line. SAMA and DOH.
— Mac"D" (@macdonaldnakedi) November 27, 2023