CONTRABAND cigarettes with an estimated street value of over R1 million were confiscated during an intelligence-driven operation led by members of the Kimberley K9 unit, the Kimberley Flying Squad, Provincial Organised Crime and Crime Intelligence.
The cigarettes were loaded on a truck that was stopped by the police on the N12 south of Kimberley on October 2.
Police spokesperson Captain Olebogeng Tawana said the truck was travelling to De Aar.
“Two occupants, aged 56 years and 37 years, were stopped and pulled over on the N12 outside of Kimberley. An enquiry docket was opened while awaiting the tobacco brand experts to certify whether the cargo was indeed contraband cigarettes,” said Tawana.
He added that the team proceeded to arrest a 32-year-old suspect at his premises in Galeshewe after he was found in possession of dagga with an estimated street value of more than R37,000.
“Intelligence was gathered regarding alleged drug dealing activities on the suspect’s premises. Upon arrival at the premises, the suspect was found carrying a backpack containing dagga.“
Tawana said the suspect was expected to appear in the Galeshewe Magistrate’s Court on October 4 on a charge of dealing in dagga.
The Northern Cape provincial commissioner, Lieutenant-General Koliswa Otola, commended the community for their assistance in the fight against criminal activities and encouraged them to continue exposing criminals operating in their communities.
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