ActionSA president Herman Mashaba. File picture: Phando Jikelo, African News Agency (ANA)
HERMAN Mashaba, the president of ActionSA, is visiting the city from July 25-27, where he launched a branch in Ward 3, Homevale on Tuesday and will make an assessment of “white elephant” community development projects on Thursday.
ActionSA NC provincial spokesperson June Moilwe-Mokoka said Mashaba met with spiritual leaders from different religious denominations at the CRC church on Tuesday to find a means of “influencing attitudes, behaviours and practices in order to accelerate socio-economic progress”.
Moilwe-Mokoka added that a delegation consisting of the provincial chairperson, Andrew Louw, and members of the provincial executive committee (PEC) and Action SA activists would meet Northern Cape business owners for breakfast with Mashaba on Wednesday.
“Mashaba will lay a wreath on the late Vytjie Mentor’s grave, accompanied by her family, on Wednesday. A memorial service will be held for Mentor at St George’s Lutheran Church in Magashula Street at 4.30pm.”
She added that Mashaba would also visit four retirement villages where he would donate essentials items.
“The delegation will embark on a tour of non-functioning buildings to ascertain the depth of the fruitless and wasteful expenditure in parts of the Province, including the fire station in Homevale and the RC Elliot Hall in Galeshewe on Thursday.”