Illicit liquor to the value of R300,000 was confiscated in Mothibistad.
Image: File picture / SAPS
A MULTI-disciplinary team consisting of inspectors from the Northern Cape Gambling and Liquor Board (NCGLB) and members of the SAPS Crime intelligence Detective unit, the Public Order Police, and the Organised Crime unit, confiscated illicit alcohol in Mothibistad that was valued at over R300,000.
NCGLB assistant manager for education and awareness Keitumetse Johanna Oss said the alcohol was seized by the SAPS from a chesanyama in Mothibistad as it was not duly licensed to sell alcohol in terms of the Northern Cape Gambling and Liquor Act.
She added that one suspect was arrested on March 2 in connection with the illegal sale of alcohol.
NCGLB CEO Vincent Mothibi stated that they were committed to eradicating the illegal sale of alcohol.
He highlighted that raids were intended to enforce the Gambling and Liquor Act and reduce crime.
"We have observed the mushrooming of chesanyamas selling alcohol illegally. The continuous intelligence-driven operations will continue, with the focus on illegal shebeens, chesanyamas and other related crimes in the Province."
He urged community members to report any illegal sale of alcohol to the NCGLB at (053) 244 0890 or the SAPS 10111 hotline.