Two police chaplains - Mario Titus and Sekopane Mosetle - swapped prayers for pursuit when they thwarted two would-be thieves. Picture: SAPS
UPINGTON – Two police chaplains proved this week that their duties go beyond providing spiritual guidance - they can also thwart crime in the most unexpected ways!
Chaplains Mario Titus and Sekopane Mosetle, attached to the ZF Mgcawu District SAPS Employee Health and Wellness section, were simply going about their daily duties on February 12 when they stumbled upon an unusual scene - a pair of men hurriedly offloading items through the canopy window of a van.
Sensing something was off (perhaps divine intuition?), the chaplains decided to investigate. That’s when the two men, realising their grand heist had been spotted - not by officers in blue but by men of the cloth - panicked and fled on foot, leaving their loot behind.
Despite their best efforts to give chase, the chaplains weren’t able to apprehend the suspects. But in a victory for righteousness, they did manage to return the stolen items to the vehicle, ensuring that at least someone’s prayers for their possessions to be safe were answered.
ZFM district commissioner Major-General Monica Sebili, commended the chaplains for their quick response, proving that crime-fighting isn’t always just about badges and batons - sometimes, a sharp eye and a good heart are all it takes.
Northern Cape police spokesperson Sergeant Omphile Masegela, meanwhile, reminded the public to always double-check that their vehicles are locked and to be mindful of their surroundings before leaving their cars unattended. After all, not every parking lot is blessed with patrolling chaplains ready to intervene!