Kimberley residents are facing an alarming increase in break-ins into their yards, with criminals targeting anything that can be sold for quick cash. Picture: DALL-E
KIMBERLEY residents are facing an alarming increase in break-ins into their yards, with criminals targeting anything that can be sold for quick cash.
According to Top Security Systems (TSS) in Kimberley, financial hardship is a major driving force behind these crimes, as thieves make off with valuable items such as copper pipes, solar panel lights, steel, bicycles, and any other items with monetary value.
TSS reports that nearly 90% of these yard break-ins go unreported to the police, as many residents find the process too cumbersome and time-consuming. Unfortunately, this lack of reporting means that crime statistics do not accurately reflect the true scale of the problem, making it difficult for authorities to take appropriate action.
The central business district (CBD) has been identified as one of the hardest-hit areas, with crime escalating at an alarming rate. Opportunistic criminals roam the streets, looking for unguarded properties or easy targets, making it imperative for residents and business owners to take proactive security measures.
TSS has urged Kimberley residents to be more vigilant and to keep an eye on unfamiliar individuals walking through their neighbourhoods. They stress the importance of maintaining security systems, ensuring alarms are in working order, and conducting regular checks on perimeter security.
Despite the growing crime rate, communities that have implemented well-organised neighbourhood watch patrols have reported a significant decrease in incidents. These patrols create a visible deterrent to criminals and foster a sense of unity among residents. However, for these efforts to be effective, proper coordination and communication among members are essential.
For residents with the financial means, here are some practical ways to enhance yard security:
Install Security Lighting: Motion sensor lights can deter criminals from entering your property.
Upgrade Your Fence: A sturdy, high fence with anti-climbing measures can prevent easy access.
Secure Valuables: Keep bicycles, tools, and valuable items locked away in a secure storage area.
Invest in an Alarm System: Ensure alarms are maintained and functioning properly.
Use surveillance cameras: CCTV cameras provide valuable evidence and act as a strong deterrent.
Join a Neighbourhood Watch: Working together with neighbours can improve safety for everyone.
As crime continues to escalate in Kimberley, residents must take proactive steps to protect their properties and communities. By working together and staying vigilant, we can create safer neighbourhoods for everyone.
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