Visitors are advised to consider alternative parking in the vicinity of the beachfront as that the informal gravel parking area on the western side of Surfer’s Corner will be closed to the public for a few months, starting Monday February 10. The map indicates some of the alternatives, as well as the approximate walking distances to the beachfront. Picture: City of Cape Town
Refurbishment of the Muizenberg beachfront will start on Monday February 3, says the City.
Mayoral committee member spatial planning and environment Eddie Andrews said the contractor would establish the site camp and work areas as from Monday, and close impacted sections on the western side of Surfer’s Corner the following week.
The informal gravel parking area next to the railway line, he said, would be closed to the public, as would access to and from the St James walkway from Surfer’s Corner.
Joggers and walkers who want to access the walkway will be redirected by signage to and from the underpass at Bailey’s Cottage and the rail level crossing at the beachfront.
In December last year, the Echo reported that the upgrade is one the largest capital ventures by the City's coastal management branch in recent years.
The project will upgrade public amenities and replace ageing infrastructure, including the seawalls and is expected to be completed by the end of 2026.
It will focus on areas along Surfer's Corner, the western section of the beachfront, and the informal gravel parking area next to the railway line (“Muizenberg beachfront upgrades set for February,” Echo, December 13).
Mr Andrews said the project would be done in phases over a two-year period with the first work to commence on the western side of Surfer’s Corner, next to the railway line, and shortly after on the small eastern parking area at the Muizenberg civic centre.
He said the surf and beach itself would remain open and accessible at all times, but work areas would be cordoned off as needed in the interest of public safety, and general work would take place from Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 5pm, with some work possibly happening after hours, depending on the tides and the stage of the project.
“We will try our best to mitigate the impact on the local community and users, still, a project of this magnitude will cause inconveniences,” he said, adding that visitors would have to cope with less parking, and pedestrians would have to take a detour to access the popular St James walkway while work was happening.
“I kindly request the public to adhere to the signage, to avoid the work areas, and to keep their pets away from the working sites as this is in the interest of safety. We are counting on the support and collaboration of our local community and visitors,” Mr Andrews said.
In the next two weeks, he said, the contractor would get access to the site and establish its site ancillaries near the waterslides at the junction of Royal and Beach roads - this includes site offices, storage containers, installation of temporary fencing and signage at the site camp, and the arrival of construction plant and equipment to the work areas at Surfer’s Corner.
Preliminary hand excavations to locate the existing underground services and foundations will commence from Monday February 10, on the western side of Surfer’s Corner, and after that the services will be realigned in the informal gravel parking area, and then the construction of the rock revetment at the start of the St James Walkway will commence.
Along with the informal gravel parking that would be closed, he said, the small parking area located behind the Muizenberg civic centre would also be impacted early on during construction and be temporarily closed to the public.
Construction vehicles will be travelling to and from the construction area to deliver materials daily and there will be dust, noise, and traffic delays.