In the last instalment of her fitness and health column, reporter ROSHAN ABRAHAMS, who is also a qualified personal trainer, focuses on mountain climbers.
What is a mountain climber? You don’t need a mountain and you don’t need to climb a real mountain. You also don’t need equipment, only your body because a mountain climber, according to The Guardian, is basically a plank where you run on the spot.
Mountain climbers boost road runners and hikers' performance by improving both leg and core strength and raising your heart rate. For these reasons, the move is often a part of many workout routines, but it is important to work on the technique to prevent injuries.
Mountain climbers are beneficial for building cardio endurance, core strength, and agility. Different muscles are used in this exercise including the shoulders, hamstrings, triceps, quads and core. It may be considered as a full-body exercise.
Don’t be despondent if you cannot do a mountain climber from the start. It takes practice and consistency to execute the exercise.
If you want to work on your mountain climbers, you can practise with high knees because the same type of leg movements are used when doing mountain climbers, but instead of being on the ground, you’ll be standing.
Mountain climbers require strong glutes, so practising your squats beforehand will activate these muscles. By standing in a plank position with your toes digging into the ground, you can drive your knee in towards your chest while squeezing the glutes at the top, and repeat.
The dynamic nature of mountain climbers makes them good for loosening the hips. By driving the knee in towards your chest you loosen up your hip and knee joints, improving range of motion and enhancing overall function. In doing so, you also reduce your risk of injury.
Make sure your back is straight and flat, not curved or arched and your hips are not raised (your bum shouldn’t be up in the air). You can check your form while in the plank position and then try to hold it as you perform the move.
Another mishap is letting your toes touch the floor. As the move speeds up you may end up not fully completing the movement by letting your toes touch the ground as you bring them towards your chest. You could risk injuring your hips.
Don’t be tempted to bounce on your toes as you work out – it may feel like you are working out harder but it doesn’t engage your core muscles properly. The importance of the movement is to feel the leg moving in towards your chest.
As a runner, I would incorporate mountain climbers in my workouts. Not only does this exercise build strength and help improve running form, but they also provide low-impact cardio. Plus, you can adjust this total-body exercise to fit your goals.
Perform the move as quickly as possible to boost your heart rate and target your cardiovascular system. Or slow it down, and challenge your core stabilisation and hip flexion, which is how you zero in on proper running form, explains Kellie Williams, NASM-certified personal trainer and Barry’s instructor.
How to do a mountain climber
Begin in a high plank position, keeping your back straight, your hips low and your core engaged.
Bring your right knee under your chest toward your chest and right arm.
Return your right leg back to plank position; bring your left leg under your chest toward your left elbow.
Repeat while alternating your legs, keeping a steady pace.
How to do a modified mountain climber
Keep your arms steady, while in a high plank position.
Bring one knee up toward your chest, stopping at waist height so that you’re making a 90-degree angle at the knee.
Put your your toes on the ground. Then move the leg back again.
Alternate your legs, at your own pace.
You can repeat 8 times per knee.
To check out the step-by-step video on how to do a mountain climber, visit
• If you have questions or suggestions, email
Previous columns:
– It’s never too late to start your fitness journey
– Burpees have big benefits
– Squats help strengthen muscles and bones
– Lunges build leg muscle to give the body a lift
– Push-ups improve body posture, core, muscles
– Planks help improve core strength and stability
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