Tears Animal Rescue is looking for volunteers to help walk dogs and to help socialise cats. Picture: David Ritchie
Tears Animal Rescue is looking for volunteers to help socialise cats and walk dogs.
The non-profit organisation, based in Lekkerwater Road in Sunnydale, depends greatly on volunteers to support its mission of caring for neglected, abused, and unwanted animals, according to spokesperson Tinka Shapiro.
The cattery at Wenga Farm on Kommetjie Road, Sunnydale, needed volunteers to play, cuddle, and socialise with the cats, said Ms Shapiro.
“Tears’ kitties love someone to play with and give them some love.”
Volunteers for the cattery must be 14 and older and must be accompanied by a guardian if under 16. Volunteers can spend time with the cats from Monday to Sunday from 10am till 3pm.
“All they need to do is spend as much time as possible with the cats,” Ms Shapiro said.
She said volunteers also played an integral part in exercising, training, interacting with, and helping make the dogs and puppies more adoptable.
Volunteers who wish to walk the dogs or take part in the training and enrichment activities must be 16 or older and must complete volunteer orientation.
Dog walking takes place from Wednesday to Sunday from 8.30am to 1.30pm.
"Some of our volunteers take the dogs out for a coffee, some take them to the beach, while others simply spend time in the kennels with them, lying down or reading to them. The dogs need to learn not only how to behave when they’re excited for a walk but also how to relax and not always associate people with high-energy activities," Ms Shapiro said.
For more information, visit the Tears website.
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