A hut was erected to host initiates. Picture: Supplied
RESIDENTS of Lerato Park near Galeshewe expressed concern after a hut was erected to host initiates next to the community.
They feel their children could be at risk because initiates are moving around naked, especially at night.
Community members were not informed about the school and feared for the safety of their children.
The hut was erected on an open piece of veld, next to the mine near Lerato Park shacks and Homelite.
Another concern raised was that this set-up is an insult to the African culture as the initiation school practice is classified as a private and respectful matter.
“If initiation schools are set up randomly in this manner, then our leaders might as well just tell the public in detail what transpires there,” one community member said.
They also blamed their ward councillor, Robert Kock, for putting the community’s safety at risk by not informing them before allowing the structure to be set up.
Efforts to get comment from Kock were unsuccessful.
The Department of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) indicated that it is aware of the structure, including what it is for.
Spokesperson Babalwa Mzambo said the department is fully informed about the initiation school and has diligently followed all required procedures during the application process.
According to her, the hut has been established in Lerato Park for sleeping arrangements of initiates who are undergoing induction to prepare for the school, which will commence later this year.
She said that the owner is a South African citizen verified by Home Affairs and is operating a legal Provincial Initiation Coordinating Committee (PICC) approved initiation school.
“There are currently two initiates, who are both nephews of the owner,” said Mzambo.
She explained that initiates underwent all necessary medical and psychological evaluations before being admitted to the school.
She also pointed out that initiation school owners must apply for school establishment at least three months in advance.
One of the conditions is that the school must not interfere with the educational curriculum of potential initiates. Those who are not school learners should be at least 18 years old.
“A month from now these initiates will be moved to another location where the initiation school will take place.”
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