The restoration of the the Cape Lowlands Freshwater Wetlands in Muizenberg Park has not gone unnoticed. These Egyptian geese were spotted in one of the ponds along the stream at the weekend. Picture: Neil Harrison.
The first phase of the Muizenberg Park restoration project is now complete.
Terri de Sousa, deputy chair of the Friends of Muizenberg Park (FOMP), says the project began with the removal of invasive plants in and around the stream and ponds behind the bowls clubhouse.
"We then planted a variety of fynbos plants around the stream and pond, similar to what would have naturally grown there years ago," she said.
The non-profit organisation, FynbosLIFE, gave advice on the correct species to plant.
Among the hundreds of new plants is fynbos that serves as a food source for the caterpillars of the critically endangered Cape Flats ranger butterfly.
"So, hopefully, we’ll soon have some of these visiting us," Ms De Sousa said.
Visitors to the park are asked to watch their step around the young plants to avoid trampling them.
Meanwhile, FOMP launched its 35 Days of Activity campaign on May 13 to get more people using the park.
"A busy park is a safe park," Ms De Sousa said. “Over the next five weeks, a variety of events will take place, including informative tours about the park's history and its unique fynbos veld types.
"We have had people reach out to organise yoga classes, a big parents and kids playdate and a knitting meet-up.
"We hope that this kickstart will keep the momentum going and we won’t see the activity trail off but continue to grow.“
Muizenberg resident Teresa Moore is encouraging her neighbours to spend time in the park.
“Just by being there regularly, you will be changing the atmosphere and the usage of the park. The more people doing so will create even more people joining them,” she said.
FOMP is working with a design team and City departments to develop a master plan for the park that will consider the area’s heritage, the protection and restoration of the fynbos veld types and the addition of public facilities.
Future projects being considered include possibly putting up a fence, keeping the toilets clean and well-maintained, creating running and wheelchair-friendly paths and adding play equipment and picnic areas.
The public can share event ideas and find updates on activities through the FOMP Facebook page or by emailing