The old William Pescod school building
THE WILLIAM Pescod Alumni Trust has appealed to all alumni of William Pescod High School to contribute more information following the launch of the first edition of a book that describes the experiences of former pupils during their tenure at the school.
The first edition was launched in collaboration with the Sol Plaatje University during the school’s 135 Anniversary Celebration earlier this year in Kimberley.
Trustee Lloyd Louw said the first edition was 108 pages, and the size of the second edition will depend on the amount of information received. They do, however, expect it to be significantly bigger.
Louw said they are pulling out all the stops to get as much information as possible, adding that the oldest trustee they have is a 100-year-old woman.
It is expected that the second edition of the book will contain more in-depth stories, and is expected to be completed within the next two years, depending on the feedback
Louw therefore appealed to Kimberley residents to contribute to the book as soon as possible.
“In collaboration with the Sol Plaatje University, which hosts a strong heritage curriculum, our research capacity can be expanded, while planning for the next publication has already started.”