RD Williams Primary School. Picture: Gwells Media
A YOUNG pupil died in a “freak accident” at RD Williams Primary School in Prieska on Wednesday.
It is believed that the 10-year-old pupil and his friends were playing in a tree at the school playground during break.
An eyewitness said that she had seen a few of the children running away from the tree when the bell rang, indicating that break was over. She said there was a loud scream as some of the pupils realised that one of their friends was stuck on the devil's fork fence which is situated next to a large gum tree.
The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that when she ran to assist the pupil she saw that the devil’s fork had penetrated his neck and there was “nothing she could do”.
“This was a freak accident, my heart is so sore, the children were visibly traumatised by what they have witnessed today. They will need counselling,” she said.
Northern Cape Department of Education spokesperson Sydney Stander said they noted “with a deep sense of pain” the death of a pupil at a school in Prieska.
Stander added that the department conveyed its deepest condolences to the bereaved family.
He said that a team from the Pixley ka Seme district office would be visiting the family.
“As a matter of urgency we will, through the ESS unit and the Department of Social Development, provide counselling to the learners and educators who are affected by this unfortunate incident,” Stander added.
“The department is awaiting an official report on the details of what may have led to this unfortunate incident and will be providing further details in due course after the family of the deceased child has been informed.”
Northern Cape police spokesperson Captain Olebogeng Tawana said that the Prieska police have opened an inquest docket following the death of a 10-year-old boy.
Tawana said that according to information, the boy was fatally injured when he fell onto a devil’s fork fence at a school in Prieska on Wednesday, at approximately 10.30am.
He added that it is believed that the boy climbed onto the devil’s fork that fenced the school premises and accidentally fell and was fatally injured.
“The police investigation continues.”