Scandal, Galeshewe is calm at the moment. Picture: Danie van der Lith
THE SITUATION remains calm in Scandal, Galeshewe, following protest action by community members on Monday morning, which came to an end when Sol Plaatje executive mayor Patrick Mabilo and his team visited the area.
Mabilo promised to address minor service delivery challenges by the end of the day, while he would provide feedback on the major challenges on Tuesday.
The protesters barricaded Corless Road on Monday morning and demanded that the municipality clean the blocked water canal in the area and provide mobile toilets and water for the settlement, as well as refuse removal services.
They warned Mabilo not to “test” them.
A service provider delivered four mobile toilets on Tuesday while 16 more are expected to be delivered by the end of the day.
The protesters did, however, point out that the municipal waterworks team did not arrive to start working on the water canal as they had expected.
They had on Monday complained to Mabilo that residents and community members, including patients at the Galeshewe Day Hospital, had to endure the smell of raw sewage on a daily basis.
The protesters also demanded that the mayor respond to the issue of refuse collection by the end of the day.
“We give the mayor until 3pm to deliver the rest of the toilets and to install water taps - as per promises made about three years ago,” they said.
“We also expect work to start today on the canal because it's already been delayed.
“If we do not hear from the municipality by 3pm, we will call an urgent community meeting at 5pm.
“This time we will not listen to the mayor’s lies and will demand that he comes with the entire mayoral committee and the premier.”