ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule. Picture: Courtney Africa/African News Agency (ANA)
ANC SECRETARY-general Ace Magashule has requested the Northern Cape to hold its conferences, as the current regional executive committee’s (REC) three-year term of office has expired.
In a letter addressed to ANC provincial secretary Deshi Ngxanga last week, Magashule indicated that the current leadership was operating as an interim structure.
“The REC has no legal standing and cannot elect or nominate delegates to attend a provincial conference as their representatives,” said Magashule.
He added that the election of office-bearers at branch, regional and provincial level had been postponed with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. “Existing structures were allowed to continue to operate as interim structures until conditions, in particular gatherings, are once again permitted to conduct elections.”
Magashule advised the Northern Cape to establish whether conditions were conducive to hold branch general meetings (BGM) and to convene BGMs to “legitimise” the branch executive committees.
“Regional conferences should be convened to legitimise regional executive committees. Finally a provincial conference can be held provided that at least four years has passed since the last provincial conference (unless at least one-third of all branches in good standing in the province request a conference).”
The regional and provincial ANC spokesperson did not respond to media enquiries.
Last month, Ngxanga had indicated that the ANC in the Northern Cape and all its branches were “hard at work” to prepare for the regional conference that would take place early in January 2021.
“This is a time when open lobbying will take place on ANC platforms for leaders in regions as well as in the Province,” said Ngxanga at the time.
He warned members not to “rubbish or discredit the character of certain” regional and provincial leaders in order to advance their personal views or interests.
“This is more prevalent in the ZF Mgcawu region where we established the existence of a fake Facebook account that makes disparaging remarks about regional and provincial leaders of the ANC.
“We view this as a serious offence and the matter will be reported to law enforcement authorities, so that we can expose the faceless individuals who are hell-bent on sowing divisions within the ranks of the ANC.
“At all times, we should be respectful towards each other and remain disciplined, even during times of contestation for leadership positions within the ANC.”