The arrest of the suspects followed allegations of gross irregularities in the awarding of various infrastructure tenders without following due processes between the years 2013 to 2016 at the Northern Cape Department of Health. File image
TWO accused were ordered to pay fines after they were found guilty of tender irregularities amounting to R11 million.
Hawks spokesperson Nomthandazo Mnisi said the accused, Archibald Mojaki Seboko, 37, and Fako Jim Khanoka, 33, were among six accused who were arrested in Kimberley, Bloemfontein and Johannesburg during June 2018 by the Hawks in a joint operation with the Tactical Response Team
“The arrest of the suspects followed allegations of gross irregularities in the awarding of various infrastructure tenders without following due processes between the years 2013 to 2016 at the Northern Cape Department of Health. At least R11 million was allegedly shared amongst six companies linked to the six suspects to procure medical equipment.”
She added that Seboko pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a fine of R10 000 or a three year imprisonment sentence and five years imprisonment that were wholly suspended for a period of three years.
“The accused were instructed to pay a fine of R20 000 or serve six years imprisonment and a further five years imprisonment that was wholly suspended for a period of three years. He was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.”
Mnisi said Khonaka also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of R10 000 or serve a three years imprisonment and a fine of R20 000 or alternatively a six years imprisonment sentence.
“He was served with a further five years imprisonment that was wholly suspended for a period of three years. The accused was declared unfit to possess a firearm.”