
NC residents warned of increase in house break-ins, ATM scams

Michelle Cahill and Boipelo Mere|Published

Postmasburg police have warned residents of a spike in break-ins and ATM fraud. Photo: Supplied

Postmasburg police have warned residents of a spike in break-ins and ATM fraud. Photo: Supplied

POSTMASBURG residents have been urged to heed the safety tips issued by the police following a spate of housebreaking incidents in and around the area.

The local station commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Andries Witbooi, said that many of the incidents were reported in the evening and when residents were away and had failed to inform their neighbours about their absence.

Witbooi also made an urgent appeal to residents to be vigilant and not to become victims of ATM scams.

“Victims have been scammed by individuals who offer to assist them at ATMs and, within minutes, the victims receive bank notifications of money being withdrawn.”

“Victims are informed by scammers to insert the bank cards differently and in doing so their original bank cards disappear,” warned Witbooi.

Community members are urged to withdraw money at the tills inside supermarkets and to avoid using ATMs when alone, especially at night.

Anyone with more information regarding these types of scams is requested to urgently contact Lieutenant-Colonel Witbooi on 082 495 4692 or the Vispol commander, Captain Ruiters, on 079 529 3898.