An unhappy woman wants to leave her paralysed boyfriend. Picture: Pexels Sofia Alejandra
THEY say superheroes don’t exist, but this woman certainly had one by her side when she was almost killed.
“Three years ago, my boyfriend and I were walking down a wet and busy road on holiday in Thailand when a car swerved at a violent speed, trying to avoid a stupid biker stopping on his phone in the treacherous weather that it was,” writes a woman on Reddit’s ‘True off my chest’ group.
“My boyfriend being the quick-thinking man he is saw my frozen, terrified body in the direct vicinity of the moving car, and he jumped in front of me, pushing me away from the impact at the same time.”
While she was left with nasty grazes, her boyfriend was left paralysed from the waist down and is now wheelchair-bound.
She adds that he has been diagnosed with PTSD from the accident and often has flashbacks.
“He is distant and cold. His mental health is, to put it lightly, very bad,” she says.
“He says he can’t enjoy sex anymore. He says he doesn’t enjoy sex, with being the way he is. I’ve tried to tell him I still think he’s gorgeous and no attraction is lost. He doesn’t believe me,” she continues.
“I feel like I’m living with my best friend who I’m in love with but like I’m in some sort of friend zone. He says I’m being paranoid. It’s him, not me. He tells me he loves me. He says he doesn’t resent me,” writes the Reddit user.
“All of my friends talk about how lucky I am and how he loves me so much, but I think that’s f***ed up because they have no idea what it’s like to be in a partnership with someone who is paralysed.”
She concludes that even though she still has strong feelings for him, she can’t be with him any more.
“I am exhausted,” she says.
She worries that she will forever be known as the woman who left her disabled boyfriend after he saved her life at the cost of his own.
Most Reddit users feel for her with one person saying: “Christ this is heartbreaking. There really is no good answer here.”
Another commented: “I think this is a situation that has no correct answer, and because of that, I think it falls into a category of one of the most difficult decisions someone could have to make”
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