
So, you want to play tennis?

Lisa Abdellah|Published

Photo by Ariella Horvath on Unsplash

Photo by Ariella Horvath on Unsplash

Tennis torches kilojoules, and your risk of getting hurt or injured is low as it’s not a high-impact or -contact sport. It also keeps your mind sharp as the game is as much about technique and tactics as it is about agility and speed.

Plus, it’s not intimidating. “The majority of venues are for social tennis, gentle environments where you can interact with other people outside your daily routine,” says Anthony Harris, who’s the former number one tennis player in Zimbabwe. He and his wife Dione set up the Academy in 2012 and later partnered with Anthula Markovitz, the founder of the Match Development Foundation, to ensure every child deserving of the opportunity can either become a professional tennis player or gain a scholarship to a university in the US. It’s produced the country’s top tennis players, including Lloyd Harris, and Zoe and Isabella Kruger recently joined the academy.

What gear do you need?

“Three factors determine the type of racket you choose,” Anthony explains. “its weight, length and the size of the grip.” If you’re a beginner, the tennis brand Wilson recommends an oversized racket with a lighter frame and more power to help you make contact with the ball without wearing out your muscles as they get used to the game.

Tennis shoes give you the support, cushioning and traction you need on a tennis court.

Photo by Ariella Horvath on Unsplash

The basic rules

“To win a tennis match, you need to win two sets. One set constitutes winning six games. To win one game, you have to win four points and be two points ahead of your opponent,” he says.

You serve the ball from behind the baseline at the back of the court into your opponent’s service box diagonally opposite from where you’re standing. There are lines on a tennis court to mark the width of the court for a singles (two people) or doubles (four people) game. To score a point, your opponent has to miss the ball or hit it out of bounds or into the net.

Where to play

“Most tennis clubs in South Africa are social, newbie-friendly places to have fun, where coaches teach basic skills. But if you’re super-athletic, driven and motivated, an academy will help you develop more advanced physical, technical, tactical and mental skills,” says Anthony. “Every year, the South African Tennis Federation holds tournaments for all age categories that you can enter via”

Learn the lingo


Zero: Love

First point: 15

Second point: 30

Third point: 40

Fourth point: Game

All: Tied score, except when you have a…

Deuce: 40-40

Ad in: server needs one more point to win

Ad out: receiver needs one more point to win