Image Sourced: FreePik. 3D render of a surreal landscape with abstract planet
You are certainly already starting to feel its effects: the full moon will take place this June 22 in the sign of Capricorn. Or two days after the summer solstice which plunges us into the summer season with a return of good energies. The full moon in June, historically called the “strawberry moon” in reference to the start of the strawberry picking season, marks a significant turning point from an astrological point of view. Especially since it will be followed by another full moon in the sign of Capricorn on July 21...
“The full moon in Capricorn offers us the opportunity to become aware of how, at this moment, we must mature, grow and assume our responsibilities”, immediately announces the specialized site Moon Omens . It will particularly impact those born with planets or angles in the first degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn ) or in the last degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). “These individuals are likely to experience new insights about themselves and their path: they may encounter the opportunity to make meaningful changes and better understand how life requires them to mature,” can - we read on the site. Note that this full moon in Capricorn has the particularity of being followed by another full moon in the same sign, which amplifies its effects. “Because this full moon occurs at 1º Capricorn, a very early degree, it indicates that we are just beginning to access a new level of consciousness that will gradually deepen over the period between this full moon and the next, which will take place in the last degree of Capricorn. This will occur at 29° Capricorn on July 21 and will represent the completion of a journey of personal and collective maturation deeply linked to Pluto's transit through Capricorn, which began in 2008.
This full moon invites us to break out of our conditioning to reconnect with our essence. “This month and next, the Cancer-Capricorn polarity takes center stage, explain the Moon Omens experts. Also called the “family axis,” Cancer and Capricorn are both tied to our past, our upbringing, and how we have been programmed or conditioned by our culture , society , and family of origin.” What to do then? “Capricorn is the nature of the conditioning we have internalized and how this has created inner structures that keep us limited and disconnected from our true essence. This event is an opportunity to become aware of the structures that must be dismantled and the structures that must instead be created to support our growth and evolution, as well as our emotional health”.
To discover this essence, beyond conditioning, author and wellness expert Annie Vazquez , better known as Annie The Alchemist , advises asking yourself a few questions “in order to point out where you do not feel connected to your real “you” and to make space for what you really want to build,” she says. “What are you passionate about? What really makes you happy? What fulfills you? What makes you feel good? What is one thing you wish more people knew about you?” According to her, the answers are the source of your abundance. “If you are ready for abundance, you must first and foremost be honest with yourself so that the universe can help you co-create.” All by listening to your heart and what it dreams of, and not to your mind which could take you away from your inner compass.
“The Moon-Mercury opposition highlights the tension between logic and emotions, between what is rational and what is not, and between what we think and what we feel, explain the experts by Moon Omens. This opposition offers us the opportunity to become aware of what needs to change in the way we perceive, think and express our emotions. We are asked to refine our communication skills and remember to accept that, even if we perceive something as irrational, it may still have value and be valid.
The Moon is traditionally debilitated in Capricorn, as it is at home in the opposite sign of Cancer: it is an invitation to observe how we tend to fail to honor our emotions, and what messages we receive from our culture , of our society or our environment around emotional expression , still often associated with weakness. We have the opportunity to see how we suppress our emotions, try to be strong when we feel vulnerable or scared, or try to continue our lives as usual when something is affecting us emotionally and our inner child. needs our attention and care .” The Capricorn Full Moon is an invitation to practice holding space for our emotions and taking responsibility for them. “Taking responsibility for our emotions can also mean allowing them to be seen: if we have a habit of hiding, bypassing, or suppressing our emotions, our healing may require allowing others to hold space for us .”
The original article can be found on Vogue France.
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