Screengrab of Oprah Winfrey in Alaska. Picture: Instagram
Oprah Winfrey "doesn't ever" think of herself as old. The 70-year-old media mogul has seen a change in attitudes from other people since she entered her sixties, but she doesn't consider her advancing years very often herself.
Speaking with friend Gayle King and Melinda Gates on the philanthropist's 'Moments That Makes Us' podcast, Oprah said: "I never refer to myself as old and I hear lots of people saying that. I don't even think of myself that way. I was struck by the number 60. I noticed that I would be introduced, even online or in a newspaper, and they would say '60-year-old Oprah Winfrey' that people would be like 'Woah, you're 60'.
"I noticed the difference in the way that people perceived me at 60... they started calling me 'Ma'am' or 'Auntie'.
"Also I realised that the Auntie thing is very cultural. If you go to other countries where age is respected it's considered an honour."
Oprah encouraged people to embrace the changes that come with getting older, while Gayle emphasised the importance of taking risks and thinking positively.
Asked by Melinda for advice they have for women going into their 40s, 50s, and 60s, Gayle, 69, said: 'You can always do better, you can always be better.
"Even as I sit here today people say, 'Gayle, I want to be just like you', I say, 'You really don't. You want to be the best you that you can be.'
"I always think transition can be a really good thing. I believe in taking risks — don't take foolish risks — but I believe in betting on myself and if it doesn't work out that's on me and that's okay."
Oprah added: "One of the greatest lessons I've learned is that change is there to evolve you. I live in a place that's surrounded by trees...I watch how things change and evolve and get better and stronger.
"What I know is, if you're paying attention to your life, that life only gets better because everything that shows up is showing up to expand you, to open you, to help you grow into whatever the next level has there for you."