Abaningi bayamangala uma ngithi ushukela uyingozi kangangokuba abaningi abantu bakithi sewabaphuca injabulo yokuba nabantwana.
UCWANINGO olunzulu lukhombise ukuthi ukuyeka ukudla ushukela kwandisa izinsuku zokuphila, izifo ezikuphethe ziyancipha uphinde uvikeleke nasemibulalazweni yezifo ...
Bebephume ngobuningi babo abantu bakuleli, nabasemazweni agomakhelwane bezobona kuqopheka umlandonjengoba iSilo uMisuzulu kaZwelithini ubenikezwa nguMengameli uMnuz ...
Ngenhlonipho, ngingakangeni esihlokweni sanamhlanje ngicela ukuthi jwaphu ngesiguli esingubaba engisibone izolo lokhu. Lo baba wayengakholwa ukuthi ukuqaqamba kwezinyawo ...
UMLINGISI ozakhele ugazi kubabukeli bomdlalo waphakathi nezinsuku kuMzansi Magic, iGomora uSana Mchunu uthi indawo kaZodwa ayidlalayo, yowesifazane okhulisa ingane ...
Ayaveva amatshitshi aKwaNongoma afuna umlingisi weDurban Gen uNelisiwe Sibiya achaze kabanzi “ngokuzifaka” ezindabeni ezithinta amatshitshi ngaphandle kokuthola ...
Cishe wonke umuntu uyakuthanda ukuphila, ngisho ngabe usugula kanjani, ngaphandle kwezimo ezimbalwa, abaningi abantu bathanda ukuphila baze bakhokhobe. Ukuhamba ...
AKEKHO ongaphika ukuthi ukuzingcolisa (ukuzimoshela) umdala, ngenye yezinto ezikuphoxa kakhulu uma yenzeka kunoma ngubani; kungaba sebusuku noma emini. Kunabantu ...
Sisesikhathini sonyaka lapho abathandanayo bezohlangana babe ndawonye ngosuku lwezithandani. Abantu besilisa baphansi phezulu bayazilolonga, bayazibhila ngezindlela ...
Baningi abantu bakithi abavumela izibiliboco zokudla zingcweke, zihlukumeze usinyaka, bazithole sebephalaza, kugcwalelane ucabango kuhambisana nezinhlungu, bagcine ...
UPHUTHUNYISWE esibhedlela uMax Mqadi wendawo yobumnandi edumile eselokishini laseMlaza, iMax’s Lifestyle kulandela ukudutshulwa ngabantu abangaziwa NgoLwesine ntambama ...
Imvamisa abaculi batabalasa isikhathi eside ngaphambi kokuba badume endimeni yomculo kodwa umfana waseZwelibomvu, ocula ama-piano, kumthathe imizuzu embalwa evele ...
A KwaDukuza man tore off his girlfriend’s clothes and slapped her on the face several times with his fist until she was bleeding from her nose and mouth, after she ...
Thembinkosi Ngcobo, 62, was found guilty of hacking to death his girlfriend Ntombifuthi Blose and her two-year-old daughter Swelihle at his home in Mount Royal on ...
Thembinkosi Ngcobo, 62, was found guilty of hacking to death his girlfriend Ntombifuthi Blose and her two-year-old daughter Swelihle at his home in Mount Royal on ...
The KwaZulu-Natal Education Department has suspended a Ziphembeleni Secondary School teacher and whistle-blower with immediate effect for allegedly “bringing the ...
The KwaZulu-Natal Education Department has yet again rejected allegations that pupils at Inanda’s Eziphembeleni Secondary School were served rotten food with maggots ...
Some Durban school governing body forums had hoped President Cyril Ramaphosa would touch on the issue of schools as more and more had reported Covid-19 positive ...
The Educators Union of South Africa suggested that the department deployed properly trained and armed police reservists, sourced from the community
The Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre is expected to receive a R15 million bailout from the municipality as it grapples with the challenges posed ...
From July 1, residents can expect an electricity tariff hike of 14. 59%, while those who are supplied directly by Eskom will see an increase of 17. 8%
The whistle-blowers on the food allegedly containing maggots and being served to pupils at Eziphembeleni High School as part of the National Schools Nutrition Programme ...
While KZN schools continue to record Covid-19 cases, schools around the country such as Lephola Secondary School in Welkom revealed that eight pupils tested positive, ...
The informal settlements without electricity after their connections were destroyed by various natural disasters and in the fires, would soon be legally connected ...
More than 27 KwaZulu-Natal traditional leaders have been murdered and several others have escaped assassination attempts since 2019