A recent report shows that three quarters of South Africans worry that they won’t have enough saved to retire on, but 70% expect to maintain their same standard ...
Georgina Crouth provides a few guidelines for landlords and tenants to maintain a harmonious relationship.
Love and marriage might go together like a “horse and carriage”, but if your finances are not aligned, disappointment on Valentine’s Day is the least of your concerns. ...
In its 11th bank charges report, released this month for the year 2020 due to upheavals related to Covid-19, Solidarity once again gives consumers an overview of ...
The Household Affordability Index has revealed the basket of 44 items has increased marginally to R4 051 since December 2020, writes Georgina Crouth.
With fewer tenants looking for rental housing, landlords are sitting with properties that they can’t fill, writes Georgina Crouth.
STA Travel is bankrupt but there is good news for customers who paid via credit card: You can, and should, approach your bank to apply for a chargeback.
The second wave of Covid-19 is likely to undermine inroads South African consumers have made into reducing their debt.
Weighted or gravity blankets have been punted as the miracle product we’ve all been dreaming about, when times are tough and we all need a hug, but the jury’s still ...
Many of us were certainly happy to see the back of last year and with hindsight being 20/20, here are a few things to look out for in 2021:
After President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that sales would be allowed on Sundays, the government gazetted regulations not in line with his overture to the wine ...
Medical schemes face “serious sustainability challenges” owing to stagnant membership growth, among other things.
The Competition Commission’s final guidelines for competition in the automotive aftermarket are good news for consumers, smaller players and new entrants to the ...
Two start-ups are offering alternatives to the over-used credit card
In a consumerist society, which is driven by instant gratification and consumption, credit is king and debtors rue their repayments.
It might be the season for giving, but for fraudsters, it’s open season for taking. Georgina Crouth reports
There’s no evidence they help to detox, cleanse your system or improve nails – but the ads are still being flighted by broadcasters, despite advertising regulator’s ...
With a shrinking tax base, weak economic activity and a revenue shortfall, Sars was already under pressure last year to collect revenue, which is why collection ...
Boutique owner blocks communication with the media after being called out for violating consumer protection law on several fronts. Georgina Crouth reports
Medical scheme increases for 2021 have generally been between 4% and 6% - lower than previous years.
Company’s creditors are likely to suffer a substantial loss because its liabilities outstrip its assets by more than R200m. And customers are unlikely to see a cent, ...
Sandton spa used pressure sales tactic and insisted on upfront payment to secure client booking, writes Georgina Crouth.
While South Africans are only waking up to e-commerce in 2020 online retailers have moved to assure consumers that it’s safe and convenient – as long as you’re doing ...
This is a reality check for South Africans: only 6% will retire comfortably. The rest will either have to continue working – if they’re able – or rely on family ...
Motorists should be aware that they cannot be stopped from renewing their licences due to outstanding fines or infringement notices - only if there’s an enforcement ...