Kimberley residents are invited to come and have a look at this exciting sporting event over the weekend.
On Saturday and Sunday, the Kimberley Clay Target Club will be hosting the last Kimberley Compak Trial for 2022.
FITASC Compak, a clay target shooting discipline that has been around since 1992, is owned and overseen by the International Authority for this discipline, FITASC (Federation Internationale De Tir Aux Armes Sportives De Chasse).
FITASC created the Compak discipline with the express purpose of luring not only the best shooters in the world but also creating a sport where shooters of all skill levels may join and those who want to attain the highest honours have the opportunity to do so. Compak is also a great spectator sport because both onlookers and shooters may take pleasure in it.
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But it’s bigger than just plinking away at clay targets. There’s international recognition within reach. You see, in addition to the World Championship, there is the African Championship, European Championship, Pan American Championship, and Oceanic Championship – all competitions where compak is practiced and shot.
Any FITASC member association may apply to conduct a grand prix event on a national basis in addition to these championships and any nation may compete in any continental championship.
The World Cup final will then be determined by the combined score of 600 targets from any two continental championships and the World Championship. Any individual who is a member of a National Association Member of FITASC has the right to take part in all international competitions and earn a FITASC World Class Ranking on the FITASC global ranking.
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Compak SA was specifically established to promote the Clay Target Shooting discipline of Compak Sporting Clays in September 2005, and exposes the entire South African shooting fraternity to this fantastic opportunity.
Compak SA has since acquired the Combined Game Shooting SA Rights from FITASC, and as a result, Compak SA now actively promotes both the Compak Sporting and Combined Game Shooting disciplines.
A component of the Compak Sporting discipline is the shooting of free-flying clay targets whose trajectories simulate the flight of real feather- and fur-hunting birds under real hunting conditions.
This is what makes it a riveting spectator sport. The competition is often fired over six clay target launchers that have been set up to mimic the above-mentioned hunting circumstances. Various targets, including normals, minis, superminis, battues, and rockets, are employed.
As soon as a whole round of 25 targets has been fired at and scored, shooters switch between five cages and fire alternately. Directly in front of the cages, a 33-by-40-meter rectangle must be traversed by a target’s trajectory in order for it to be successful. This prevents targets from being thrown at ranges that are too far for a shotgun to fire its 7.5-grain rounds.
Kimberley residents are invited to come and have a look at this exciting sporting event over the weekend. The Kimberley Clay Target Club is situated on the right-hand side of Samaria Road, the gravel road that leads to the Equestrian Club.