Renowned South African rapper Katlego “Shebeshxt” Chauke has made a return with a music concert, barely three months after the horrific accident that left him battered and claimed his daughter’s life.
RENOWNED star Katlego “Shebeshxt” Chauke has made a return with a music concert, barely three months after the horrific accident that left him battered and claimed his daughter’s life.
A head-on collision between Chauke’s Volkswagen Polo and a heavy motor vehicle occurred in June, resulting in the death of his daughter Onthatile Chuene at the scene on the R37 near Smelters Mine, south of Polokwane.
According to family spokesperson James Magoro, the rapper was first taken to Polokwane Provincial Hospital after the accident, but with Julius Malema of the EFF’s assistance, he was then moved to the private Netcare Pholoso Hospital.
In addition to confirming that Chauke was still alive and receiving medical care, his family also expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support.
In recent news that has been met with mixed reactions on social media, Chauke has shared details about his music show set to happen on September 28 at the Opera Theatre.
The event, themed “My Music, My Story”, as explained on the poster will chart his life experience.
His fans have also expressed love on social media, with many welcoming him back to the music scene.
X user Thabang Kobedi shared his views, highlighting that this will lead him to heal.
“I think this will lead him to heal and steer him in the right direction this time. The life he was living before the incident wasn’t a good one. God gave him another chance by not taking his life. A painful one that he lost his daughter. Strength and light to him.”
Opposing opinions have also been voiced on his return to the music industry; some argued that he should grieve the loss of his daughter.
“I like you, my guy, but if that were me, I don’t think I would be ready to see the outside world again. It’s been hardly three months,” said another user, Cole Mokhele.
Tebego Koma concurred with Mokhele, saying that the time was not right as he should take time to mourn his loss.
“Naaa is too soon; Shebeshxt must take time to mourn the loss of his daughters (sic). You can’t pour into fans while your cup is still empty.”